Jan II. Gin London dry 40% 0,7 l

Following a rich history it is our honour to inherit and hand down the distilling tradition from generation to generation. Jan II. Gin is a part of it!

About the procuct

Jan II Gin London Dry is made with juniper berries – the Juniperus Communis. The juniper berries themselves are macerated in grain alcohol together with other 7 selected herbs: Sweet flag root, Yarrow, Peppermint leaf, Littleleaf linden flower, Dill fetus, Lemon balm, Sticklewort.

All the herbs come from the Spiš region, are handpicked and carefully sorted. High quality is guaranteed thanks to continuous distillation, which takes place in modern copper boilers directly in the Spiš distillery.

The London Dry expression means that the drink is with no added sugar, free of sweeteners and flavourings. Due to high-quality spirit, Juniperus Communis and 7 botanicals, the gin obtains its light bitterness and balanced refreshing taste without a trace of hardness. It is a perfect base for cocktails and unique drinks are created of it in combination with citrus fruit.

Jan II. Kazimierz Waza

In the years of invasion of Poland by the Swedish Empire, the eminent ruler Jan II Kazimierz Waza (1648 – 1668) ruled Poland. In the English circles, Jan II was also known as John II Casimir Vasa. In 1655, hostile Swedish troops were approaching very quickly the capital city of Krakow, and the king himself was found in danger. Under the threat of the Wawel Castle occupation, Jan II decided to open the royal treasury and transport the crown jewels to a temporary shelter behind the solid walls of the Lubovnian Castle. This intention was carried out by the Mayor of Spiš, Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski. Jan II. Kazimierz was exiled to Silesia before the siege of Krakow.

Worried about his people and his land, Jan II decided to return from the exile to free the Polish royal city. During his return in 1656, Jan II stopped at the Lubovnian Castle, where the most valuable treasures of the Kingdom of Poland were kept – the treasury and the Crown Jewels. A rare visit to Stará Ľubovňa was presented in the novel “The Deluge”by a famous writer Henryk Sienkiewicz.

The life of Jan II was marked by wars not only with Sweden but also with other countries such as Russia, Turkey and other major powers. After very exhausting battles, yet other battles awaited his army, which the soldiers feared. That is why Jan II decided to serve his soldiers with gin, which at that time gained popularity in Europe also thanks to its healing properties. This drink was a relief for the soldiers suffering anxiety, fear and gave them strength and determination for further fighting.

Perhaps also thanks to the “courage – bravery” of his army, great victories were achieved.
