History of distillation industry at the Spiš´s region is dated around year 1,500 BC. The oldest known distillation pot is also dated approximately in this period, found at the Myšia Hôrka at Spišský Štvrtok. Monks were those who probably brought the distillation skills to the Spiš´s region in the medieval ages. The first monasteries were built in the region in the 13th century. Since then, spirit has been produced there continuously, i.e. for eight centuries.
Myšia Hôrka (Spišský Štvrtok)
Taberna Krempak
Right of tapping
Wooden distillery on the Ľubovňa castle uphill
Spirit drink gorzalka
Building of stone distillery
Mention of Borovička from Spišská Belá
Castle distillery was acquired by J. F. Raisz
Stará Ľubovňa town bought castle and distillery
Castle distillery acquired by the family Zamoysky
Postcard showing storage premises with borovička owned by Arpád Gretzmacher at Spišská Belá dated before 1918.
Distillery in the town center
Production break
Foundation of company GAS Familia
Discovery of the secret of exceptional taste
Protected geographical mark
Spišská Pálenica (distillery)
Book about distillery industry
The book presents four topics to readers.
The first topic refers to basic overview of the regional administrative development, focused on the medieval era. The second topic is dedicated to selected settlements of the northern part of the Spiš region from geographical point of view. The third topic contains basic overview of pomiculture in the region, accentuating the surroundings of Stará Ľubovňa and Hniezdne. In the past, economic activities of the Spiš inhabitants broadly resonated far beyond the region borders. Distillery industry was one of them. The four topic investigates its development, focusing on the settlements of the northern part of the upper Spiš region, especially on Ľubovňa, Hniezdne and Spišská Belá.